Well I have spent the last couple days around the house. Only because I can't get out of my driveway. The snow came in like a flurry. I shoveled yesterday three times in order to keep the driveway down. every time it was knee deep. Nice soft fluffy stuff but just allot of it. I know, I know, it wiol be gone in a couple of days again. But for now It is here and has to be taken care of. So that other cars can get back in the driveway. I am soo glad I didn't have to go to work on these days. Would a been a terrible thing to go out in that with my little bug. Sliding all over the place just because under neath is pure ice.
Well anyways that has been my exercise for the past couple of days. Shovelling the driveway and slipping on the ice under neath taking the dogs for a walk. Boy do I hurt now. Snow, snow go away I don't like you anyway.
I right now can feel muscles I haven't used in a while and sleeping at night is even worse because I used that shovel. Ribs and hips are telling me about it.
I keep trying to find info on sjogrens on the internet and all it tells me is dry eyes and mouth. Maybe a secondary of arthritis. Well gee that is allot of help. I would like to know what to expect and how to deal with it. I know I have the aches and pains but am I going to get worse with the aches and pains. Is my mouth going to dry up all together so i can't swallow at all. Right now is just sometimes a chore with that. Only with certain foods. So they are food I like and I can't seem to eat them anymore.
But you know for all the foods I have cut out or am eating only a few bites of I am not loosing any weight. I do go up and down like a yo, yo. One week I will be down 10 pounds then the next week up 5 pounds then the next week up again only to go down the week after. What the heck is with that. I don't change any of my diet it just happens. Before I was diagnoised I had lost 30 pounds not doing anything differnt. Now I am up 10 of those pounds and am yo, yoing now. I would like something constant. And is this part of the sickness or am I just stressed out more some times then others. I notice that more weight comes off when I am hurting more. Which is dang strange becuse that is when I sit around allot more because moving hurts too much. I do get up and try to do my workout but I only do parts of it because moving is just too much for me. But when I am feeling better the weight comes back on and I am exercising a little more and doing a little more. make sense of that.
I have also notices d that my nails are always chipping off and are rigity now and the skin around them is cracking and feeling like they are getting infected. The back of my fingers always look like they are prunny. You know like when you have been in the water too long. Could this be something else altogether. i read about rhynaurd but I don't know if that fits or not. Today fingers feel a little swollen, but that could be from the cold outside to day and shoveling.
I know when i satnd at work I fell like my toes are tingleing and feeling like they are going to sleep. So I have to wiggle them around and stand on the leg that hurts all the time. So I just could be compinsating to releave pressure on the hurting leg, which is causing trouble for the better leg..
I know just guessing. I tell the doc about this and she sends me for more test. Well will find out in two weeks whether the ct scan show anything or not. I had that done a month ago. Plus all the blood tests she has me do every three months. Well what will be next. I have a heart test coming up in a couple of months Hopefully that doesn't show anything too bad. I know I have a heart murmer but hope there is nothig to serious along with that. I don't need to be worring about anything else right now.
I know I get on here and just babble. Well this is the way I get things out. No real context just some everyday babble. SO you get a little here and a little there. So I guess live with it.
More to wine about next time I am on. I know You aren't looking forward to that any better then what you are looking forward to reading this. So I say read or don't read. I just need a place to wine at.
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