Hi all
Well I just started a blog on my sjrogrens syndrom. I know .. What the heck is that. Well for now I am not acxatley sure myself but we can look at it together.
I am told it is a form of arthritis. The symtoms that start to show up first ar dry eyes, mouth and nasel passages along with other parts of your body starting to dry up too.
Well I have all of those. I was diagnoised last spring when i first went to see my rhumetolgist. I had been going to the doctor for many years with different ailments over and over again and they could not figure out why i kept getting sick. Finnally he did a test for arthritis and came up with that is what I have. Great. So got me into a specialist. That took a year to get into see her. In the meantime things just seemd to get worse for me and then better and then worse again. Aches and pains. Getting harder to swallow and my eyes just seemed to be so dry.
The first time I went to see the specialist I told her about all of the symptoms I seemed to be having. The first thing she came up with was Sjrogrens syndrom. Okay now onto the internet to see what it is. Well you know there isn't that much out there on that. Just basic medical stuff and that it can be a part of another arthritis or it can be the basic desease and then there is other types of arthritis that will go along with it.
Great. what I have to look froward to
Today is not so bad. I have been living with this now for a six months of knowing what it is and how I should start taking care of myself. Well that is one thing to say it and then another to start doing. I am trying to eat right but those sugary candy type things just love to creap into my world. Excercise is another thing. I am told by countless books and on the internet that I should be doing that.. When the aches and pains start setting in who in there right mind would want to start doing that. Well at least I take the dogs for a walk every morning. That is a start I guess.
The new year brought me to say okay I am going to do this. Still haven't started much in the exerci9se area but I am eating a little better. More seafood for me and I have cut down on the sugar. I think anyways. I just love those sugary things though. I keep saying I am going to get back on my treadmill and then do a little on the rowing machine but the couch just looks so inviting. to just sit there and knit and cuddle up with my dogs. Who can beat that. I can say one thing though I have lost a couple of pounds but that is probably because my hubby wasn't home tha tpast couple of days wanting to know were lunch is and were supper is and what is there to eat around here. Or the other thing lets go out and then we can grab a bite while we are at it. He is diabetic by the way and has to eat every couple of hours. So I end up eating and eating and eating. Also cooking and cooking and cooking. Which leads to cleaniong up afterwards and starting tjhe whole process over. Were is there time for me I ask.
Well I have got to try and lake time. Not an easy thing when you have a hubby and family to look after plus I am working as well. It is getting to the point were I hate my life and just want to chuck it all. Start over again and go from there. Ha that ain't going to happen in the near fututre. Life just gets more complicated as I go along. Bill's bills' billls that is my life right now. And my hubby just wants right now to put us into debt for more bills.. Stress level just went up a little more for me.
I guess that is it for today. Hubby is home and will take all my attention when he is up. So wish me luck. Will be back on in a few days to add some more and tell you about my progress on my way to fulfillment here. Well at least to keep living a normal life and be able to look after myself. I am to independant to have some look after me. So the exercise wagon better soon get going here before I am not able to do anything.
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