Well I started a regiment yesterday. Yeah I know, news year resolution and all that. I don't think so. I hope to keep up with it anyways.
I have always walked the dogs in the morning. Use to walk them at least 4 times a day. Now it is only once first thing in the morning. I am reaaly giving them the short end of the stick here. the walking just got too hard for me. My hubby would come along on some of them and he waould say okay lets go this ways or lets go that way and we would end up being out on such a long walk I never got anything else done. Then I would get so sore I just couldn't do anymore and he would still want to get out and do another walk. Hobble, hobble would be me. So now I only do one walk in the morning. Then there is work on top of that I have to go to every day. When do I get time for me. I would really love it.
Well anyways back to the exercise I am doing now. I know it isn't much but you know every little bit helps.
We have a tread mill here and a rowing machine. I had used them before but to out on endurance and see how long I could do it when I was in better shape. Now out of shape and battleing soreness and fatigue I am doing 15 minutes on the tread mill and 15 minutes on the rowing machine. Plus lifting light weights afterwards. Hopefully this will not wear me out too much so I can get through the rest of the day. Plus the walk first thing in the morning for the dogs. Then off to work and standing all day.
I can feel it in my hips the most right now. The pain starts in my lower back and radiates down my hip to my toe. Now I figure I am compisating for the pain in one side and so the toes on my other leg start to fall asleep. This mostly happens at work just from standing all day. By the end of the day I am just bushed. The to have to come home a listen to whats for supper or we have to go out annd get groceries as we don't have food in the house. All I really want to do is come home and sit on the couch and relax for a few minutes, but no have to do more work.
Then there is the sleeping part. I get to bed and then I have a confortable spot for at least 5 minutes. The then pain starts so have to rotate. Try again and then again have tery nighto rotate. I think I do a fews miles every night just rotating around. Not much sleep going on but allot of movement. I think it is pressure points on my hips and shoulders and when i lay on them too long the radiating pains starts. So have to relieve that pressure point and lay on another one. I do get some sleep eventually but I think that is just from pure exaustion.
Today I can feel it in my neck and back. It is just a nagging pain right now but I know as the day progresses It will get stronger. It is like a t on my back. Across the shoulders and down my back. I have a lower right rib that gives me a little trouble, but the most of the trouble is from the lower back and down my right leg to the foot. Mobilty is still there but sometime my balance is gone and I walk sideways bumping into things. I side check ed my hubby the other day in the parking lot at Safeway. He didn't know what to think of that. And just told me to walk straight. Sometimes that just isn't possible. I made myself a cane a couple of days ago so I have some thing for balance when i know I may be having troubles. Now I just have to use.
The biggest thing is the dry eyes mouth and nose. Plus another area I don't think anyone wants to hear about. If you do have dry mouth you should watch out for yeast biuldup in your mouth. it starts to make your tougne sore and cracked and food just tastes awful. It realy get hard to swallow things as well. I had a big buildup and didn't know what was wrong. Doc said yeast and gave me some liquid to get rid of some of it. It didn't get rid of it all but helped to make it so I could eat again with out too much discomfort. Now I brush my teeth and brush the inside of my mouth and my tougne as well. Hoepfully to keep the yeast down. My mouth is just sio dry. Am drinking water all day long and chewing gum at work. My nose is another story. Always plugged up. Very dry inside and feels like I have to blow it. Nothing comes out. I have gotten something that works for my eyes. So now they don't feel so dirty all the time. Just put in a few drops in morning and seem to be good for the day.
I know talking about my self always. Well I just getting started. I will be talking about were I am hurting what I am trying to do to help it and such. So I know boring. But I am hoping it is helping me in the meantime. And maybe someone out there who is going through the same type of thing. Next time I am on. I will tell you how this all progressed. it has benn about ten years in the making to get to a point were they know what was wrong with me. the docs are still doing tests but the main one is sjrogrens and we will see what else is wrong with me in secondary after all the tests are done. Still doing those.
Well time to head to work
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