Think it suits the mood

Think it suits the mood

Thursday 5 July 2012

Finally Sleepyness is gone

I 've been asleep or whoosy the past two days.  Not from being tired but from having some dental work done.

Oh gee that was a fun time.  I get in there at 8:30 in the morning and didn't get out of that chair until 5:30.

When I got there they put me into the chair.  Then covered me with a blanket.  Tucked me in nice and cosey,  Then gave me three pilles in a cub and two more mixed in with some orange juice. YUK!!! The next thing they did was layed me back so I was almost up side down.  Here is when first problem started.  My back just went into spasems.  I could feel my lower back and hips start to hurt and then between my shoulder blades really started joining in.  I have to move and wiggle and hopefully get into a comfortable position.  Well to now availe on that.  Then they ask are you getting sleepy yet.  NO I hurt too dang much.  So they went and got me a towel to see if that would ease the pain.  Not much better.  You know I could sit up for a minute or two until drugs take effect.  No to much risk of you falling over.  So I had to lay in that position.  Lovely.  So finnaly they thought of getting me massage pillow and warming it up.  Helped a little.  Took the tention off my neck and made my back feel a little better.

After a few minutes just don't remember anything until I started to awake around 3:30.  That is when I noticed that they were still drilling and such.  Oh heavens I hate that sound.  It just went on and on  and on.  I am fully awake now.  Oh please let me go back to sleep.  I think I may have dosed a little more but kept waking up to that dang awful drilling.  Finnally that stopped and they tried putting in the tempoary caps.  They got one in easily and the other one in easily but the third one Just wouldn't go were they wanted it to.  No snapping on without pushing into my gums.  Dang that hurt.  Just a few more minutes and we will get this right.  Yeah right this is my mouth you are playing with here.  So a little more carving off of the cap and try again.  Well it is in there now I still don't think it is right.  Hopefully when the new caps come in they will fit a little better.  So the work they did today was on my left side.  Top and bottom and bottom front.  You mean I have to do this again to do the other side?  OH come on!!!  Once is enough.

Finally it is 5:30 and I want to sit up.  No you can't do that.  You may be too unstable.  The problem is unstable or not I want to get my back were it is not hurting.  So whether they like it or not I say I am sitting up.  So two ladies stood there and made sure I didn't fall over.  Up okay but am very light headed.  Boy does that feel funny.  World is spinning but my back feels better.

My ride is finally here to pick me up.  Now they want me to pay.  Excuss me!  I can't even concintrate on standing up and walking and you want me to do an interact.  I said I will come tomorrow and pay when i am coherant.  Well at least they took that as an okay to leave.  Didn't even get to walk out of there.  A nice ride in a wheel chair.  Out and over the ramp and down  to the car.  Next thing.  Getting out of chair to get in car.  Head spinning the whole time.  Lovely ride home.  The world is going places and I am not.

Well I finally get home.  Aw no more ride in a wheel chair.  had to walk in the house. That was the longest walk of my life right there. So now having not eaten anything since the night before I had to try and eat something.  To get something in my stomach.  A little soup is all I could do.  Then I went and layed on the couch.  Oh world stop spinning.  I have had enough.  It is eight o clock and I am going to bed.

You know that is the best night sleep I have had in a long time.  Slept until 7 oclock the next day.  Still a little whoosey,  Now the problem is I have to face a day at work.  And a morning shift to boot.  Boy was that a long day.  Glad it wasn't busy were I was.  But kept myself busy so I wouldn't think about anymore sleep. Came home and did the best thing I thought possible.  I went back to bed again.  Woke up a couple of hours before any of the family got home and wanted supper.

Well that was the trying experince with the dentist.  I really don't like this desease as it is rotting my teeth.  I had pretty good teeth up until now.  Only a couple of cavities in 20 years.  Now I have to get a mouth full done and have them drilled down to were they have caps on them.  Should just pull them all out and then I don't have to do this again.  Yeah but then I have to deal with dentures or gumming everything.  Well that would be a way to loose some weight.  I can't eat I should be able to loose weight.  Or starve to death.

So now until next time.  Another appointment at the end of July.  At least I think that is when it will be.  Oh goody.  More sleep for me.  But they still have to look after the rest of my teeth.  I think I could livewith the cavities thank you.  Yeah I know rotten teeth do not look very good.  So I guess I have to go back.  To get new caps on and fill the rest of the holes that are forming on the other side.  Great.

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