Think it suits the mood

Think it suits the mood

Saturday 28 July 2012

another dentist trip over with

Well hopefully this is just about done.  I am getting sick of sleeping all day and all the next day because of being drugged up to work on my teeth.  I have slept now for two days straight.  The drugs are finally wearing off and I am getting back to normal sleeping habits.

Well the front is done and the right side this time.  Last time it was the left side and front bottom..  Allot of drilling and such.  At least there was no root canal done on this side just fillings.  My two front teeth now look a heck of allot better but now I lisp a little.  See I even do it when I am typing.  So now I can say I have a whole new mouth.  Well that is just a bit of a saying.  My mouth is still the same old quiet don't say a word mouth.  Or the sometimes put her foot in it big time.  Or is that just me in general. I think it is just me in general.

Other then the dentist thing going on.  My alcer seems to be doing allot better.  I can now get my food down again with out having to chase it down with water.  That is a good thing.  I have also been feeling allot less pain here lately as well.. So the fibro is on the mend for now.  I know it will never completely go away but for now I am enjoying not having so much pain.  I am up and around and playing in the garage at the work bench.  Got a project done the other day that I have been working on little by little since last winter. So today i drew up a new project to work on.  Now if I can keep up the energy to kep=ep working on it.  I hate stating something and then it gets put on the back burner because I am not feeling well enough to do it. Well it could be the new herbal stuff I am taking.  Just have to wait and see next week whether it is a bad thing to be taking from the doc. She doesn't know I have changed a few things.  But hey if it is making me feel better I will try it and hope for the best.

 I still don't sleep to well.  There is allot of tossing and turning through the night.  Just to get dang comfortable in order to get some sleep.  But I do eventually get what I need.

The brain frogs have taken a trip as well.  I don't seem to be a confussed and out of it.  So that is a great thing as well.

I know I am talking about how I might be doing better.  I better not jinx it too badly or I might be in for a let down here and all the pain and brain fog and grumpyness will come back to haunt me again.  But I hope to keep this up as long as I can.  It just feels so dang good right now.  I want to go out and dance.  But that just may put me back again.  So no dancing for now.  Maybe just a little jig.

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