Well I have spent the last couple days around the house. Only because I can't get out of my driveway. The snow came in like a flurry. I shoveled yesterday three times in order to keep the driveway down. every time it was knee deep. Nice soft fluffy stuff but just allot of it. I know, I know, it wiol be gone in a couple of days again. But for now It is here and has to be taken care of. So that other cars can get back in the driveway. I am soo glad I didn't have to go to work on these days. Would a been a terrible thing to go out in that with my little bug. Sliding all over the place just because under neath is pure ice.
Well anyways that has been my exercise for the past couple of days. Shovelling the driveway and slipping on the ice under neath taking the dogs for a walk. Boy do I hurt now. Snow, snow go away I don't like you anyway.
I right now can feel muscles I haven't used in a while and sleeping at night is even worse because I used that shovel. Ribs and hips are telling me about it.
I keep trying to find info on sjogrens on the internet and all it tells me is dry eyes and mouth. Maybe a secondary of arthritis. Well gee that is allot of help. I would like to know what to expect and how to deal with it. I know I have the aches and pains but am I going to get worse with the aches and pains. Is my mouth going to dry up all together so i can't swallow at all. Right now is just sometimes a chore with that. Only with certain foods. So they are food I like and I can't seem to eat them anymore.
But you know for all the foods I have cut out or am eating only a few bites of I am not loosing any weight. I do go up and down like a yo, yo. One week I will be down 10 pounds then the next week up 5 pounds then the next week up again only to go down the week after. What the heck is with that. I don't change any of my diet it just happens. Before I was diagnoised I had lost 30 pounds not doing anything differnt. Now I am up 10 of those pounds and am yo, yoing now. I would like something constant. And is this part of the sickness or am I just stressed out more some times then others. I notice that more weight comes off when I am hurting more. Which is dang strange becuse that is when I sit around allot more because moving hurts too much. I do get up and try to do my workout but I only do parts of it because moving is just too much for me. But when I am feeling better the weight comes back on and I am exercising a little more and doing a little more. make sense of that.
I have also notices d that my nails are always chipping off and are rigity now and the skin around them is cracking and feeling like they are getting infected. The back of my fingers always look like they are prunny. You know like when you have been in the water too long. Could this be something else altogether. i read about rhynaurd but I don't know if that fits or not. Today fingers feel a little swollen, but that could be from the cold outside to day and shoveling.
I know when i satnd at work I fell like my toes are tingleing and feeling like they are going to sleep. So I have to wiggle them around and stand on the leg that hurts all the time. So I just could be compinsating to releave pressure on the hurting leg, which is causing trouble for the better leg..
I know just guessing. I tell the doc about this and she sends me for more test. Well will find out in two weeks whether the ct scan show anything or not. I had that done a month ago. Plus all the blood tests she has me do every three months. Well what will be next. I have a heart test coming up in a couple of months Hopefully that doesn't show anything too bad. I know I have a heart murmer but hope there is nothig to serious along with that. I don't need to be worring about anything else right now.
I know I get on here and just babble. Well this is the way I get things out. No real context just some everyday babble. SO you get a little here and a little there. So I guess live with it.
More to wine about next time I am on. I know You aren't looking forward to that any better then what you are looking forward to reading this. So I say read or don't read. I just need a place to wine at.
I was writing on here about how I feel about having sjrogrens, but now have changed it a little and will write about just about anything that happens to come to mind. I know not interesting at all, but hey it will help with my frustration and give me an outlet. So thanks for listening. Or maybe not
Think it suits the mood

Tuesday, 17 January 2012
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
exercise, exercise, exercise
Well I started a regiment yesterday. Yeah I know, news year resolution and all that. I don't think so. I hope to keep up with it anyways.
I have always walked the dogs in the morning. Use to walk them at least 4 times a day. Now it is only once first thing in the morning. I am reaaly giving them the short end of the stick here. the walking just got too hard for me. My hubby would come along on some of them and he waould say okay lets go this ways or lets go that way and we would end up being out on such a long walk I never got anything else done. Then I would get so sore I just couldn't do anymore and he would still want to get out and do another walk. Hobble, hobble would be me. So now I only do one walk in the morning. Then there is work on top of that I have to go to every day. When do I get time for me. I would really love it.
Well anyways back to the exercise I am doing now. I know it isn't much but you know every little bit helps.
We have a tread mill here and a rowing machine. I had used them before but to out on endurance and see how long I could do it when I was in better shape. Now out of shape and battleing soreness and fatigue I am doing 15 minutes on the tread mill and 15 minutes on the rowing machine. Plus lifting light weights afterwards. Hopefully this will not wear me out too much so I can get through the rest of the day. Plus the walk first thing in the morning for the dogs. Then off to work and standing all day.
I can feel it in my hips the most right now. The pain starts in my lower back and radiates down my hip to my toe. Now I figure I am compisating for the pain in one side and so the toes on my other leg start to fall asleep. This mostly happens at work just from standing all day. By the end of the day I am just bushed. The to have to come home a listen to whats for supper or we have to go out annd get groceries as we don't have food in the house. All I really want to do is come home and sit on the couch and relax for a few minutes, but no have to do more work.
Then there is the sleeping part. I get to bed and then I have a confortable spot for at least 5 minutes. The then pain starts so have to rotate. Try again and then again have tery nighto rotate. I think I do a fews miles every night just rotating around. Not much sleep going on but allot of movement. I think it is pressure points on my hips and shoulders and when i lay on them too long the radiating pains starts. So have to relieve that pressure point and lay on another one. I do get some sleep eventually but I think that is just from pure exaustion.
Today I can feel it in my neck and back. It is just a nagging pain right now but I know as the day progresses It will get stronger. It is like a t on my back. Across the shoulders and down my back. I have a lower right rib that gives me a little trouble, but the most of the trouble is from the lower back and down my right leg to the foot. Mobilty is still there but sometime my balance is gone and I walk sideways bumping into things. I side check ed my hubby the other day in the parking lot at Safeway. He didn't know what to think of that. And just told me to walk straight. Sometimes that just isn't possible. I made myself a cane a couple of days ago so I have some thing for balance when i know I may be having troubles. Now I just have to use.
The biggest thing is the dry eyes mouth and nose. Plus another area I don't think anyone wants to hear about. If you do have dry mouth you should watch out for yeast biuldup in your mouth. it starts to make your tougne sore and cracked and food just tastes awful. It realy get hard to swallow things as well. I had a big buildup and didn't know what was wrong. Doc said yeast and gave me some liquid to get rid of some of it. It didn't get rid of it all but helped to make it so I could eat again with out too much discomfort. Now I brush my teeth and brush the inside of my mouth and my tougne as well. Hoepfully to keep the yeast down. My mouth is just sio dry. Am drinking water all day long and chewing gum at work. My nose is another story. Always plugged up. Very dry inside and feels like I have to blow it. Nothing comes out. I have gotten something that works for my eyes. So now they don't feel so dirty all the time. Just put in a few drops in morning and seem to be good for the day.
I know talking about my self always. Well I just getting started. I will be talking about were I am hurting what I am trying to do to help it and such. So I know boring. But I am hoping it is helping me in the meantime. And maybe someone out there who is going through the same type of thing. Next time I am on. I will tell you how this all progressed. it has benn about ten years in the making to get to a point were they know what was wrong with me. the docs are still doing tests but the main one is sjrogrens and we will see what else is wrong with me in secondary after all the tests are done. Still doing those.
Well time to head to work
I have always walked the dogs in the morning. Use to walk them at least 4 times a day. Now it is only once first thing in the morning. I am reaaly giving them the short end of the stick here. the walking just got too hard for me. My hubby would come along on some of them and he waould say okay lets go this ways or lets go that way and we would end up being out on such a long walk I never got anything else done. Then I would get so sore I just couldn't do anymore and he would still want to get out and do another walk. Hobble, hobble would be me. So now I only do one walk in the morning. Then there is work on top of that I have to go to every day. When do I get time for me. I would really love it.
Well anyways back to the exercise I am doing now. I know it isn't much but you know every little bit helps.
We have a tread mill here and a rowing machine. I had used them before but to out on endurance and see how long I could do it when I was in better shape. Now out of shape and battleing soreness and fatigue I am doing 15 minutes on the tread mill and 15 minutes on the rowing machine. Plus lifting light weights afterwards. Hopefully this will not wear me out too much so I can get through the rest of the day. Plus the walk first thing in the morning for the dogs. Then off to work and standing all day.
I can feel it in my hips the most right now. The pain starts in my lower back and radiates down my hip to my toe. Now I figure I am compisating for the pain in one side and so the toes on my other leg start to fall asleep. This mostly happens at work just from standing all day. By the end of the day I am just bushed. The to have to come home a listen to whats for supper or we have to go out annd get groceries as we don't have food in the house. All I really want to do is come home and sit on the couch and relax for a few minutes, but no have to do more work.
Then there is the sleeping part. I get to bed and then I have a confortable spot for at least 5 minutes. The then pain starts so have to rotate. Try again and then again have tery nighto rotate. I think I do a fews miles every night just rotating around. Not much sleep going on but allot of movement. I think it is pressure points on my hips and shoulders and when i lay on them too long the radiating pains starts. So have to relieve that pressure point and lay on another one. I do get some sleep eventually but I think that is just from pure exaustion.
Today I can feel it in my neck and back. It is just a nagging pain right now but I know as the day progresses It will get stronger. It is like a t on my back. Across the shoulders and down my back. I have a lower right rib that gives me a little trouble, but the most of the trouble is from the lower back and down my right leg to the foot. Mobilty is still there but sometime my balance is gone and I walk sideways bumping into things. I side check ed my hubby the other day in the parking lot at Safeway. He didn't know what to think of that. And just told me to walk straight. Sometimes that just isn't possible. I made myself a cane a couple of days ago so I have some thing for balance when i know I may be having troubles. Now I just have to use.
The biggest thing is the dry eyes mouth and nose. Plus another area I don't think anyone wants to hear about. If you do have dry mouth you should watch out for yeast biuldup in your mouth. it starts to make your tougne sore and cracked and food just tastes awful. It realy get hard to swallow things as well. I had a big buildup and didn't know what was wrong. Doc said yeast and gave me some liquid to get rid of some of it. It didn't get rid of it all but helped to make it so I could eat again with out too much discomfort. Now I brush my teeth and brush the inside of my mouth and my tougne as well. Hoepfully to keep the yeast down. My mouth is just sio dry. Am drinking water all day long and chewing gum at work. My nose is another story. Always plugged up. Very dry inside and feels like I have to blow it. Nothing comes out. I have gotten something that works for my eyes. So now they don't feel so dirty all the time. Just put in a few drops in morning and seem to be good for the day.
I know talking about my self always. Well I just getting started. I will be talking about were I am hurting what I am trying to do to help it and such. So I know boring. But I am hoping it is helping me in the meantime. And maybe someone out there who is going through the same type of thing. Next time I am on. I will tell you how this all progressed. it has benn about ten years in the making to get to a point were they know what was wrong with me. the docs are still doing tests but the main one is sjrogrens and we will see what else is wrong with me in secondary after all the tests are done. Still doing those.
Well time to head to work
Monday, 9 January 2012
another week and still not just right
I had four days off at beginning of week. Did wonders for me and I just got to sit around and read a book one day. Well that all came to a crashing halt. Time to go back to work after the Christmas holidays. I had to start off with three 8 hour shifts in a row. Boy did that do me in.
The first day was okay. You see I work at customer service. have been doing this for 11 years now. Brother what a job. ever complaint that ciomes to the store goes to customer service.. I think it is time for a new job. fat chance of me ever finding something though. When you are sick in some way and over the hill (sortof) people don't want to take a chance on you. So I guess I am stuck were I am. Well right now is not a great time to work there. Christmas and all. Return, return, return, That is what it is all about. Then there are the people wha want to get a price adjustment because every thing has gone on sale. Then on top of that the people who still want to buy their cigarettes and then there are the people who want to bring back their dirty bottle to get their return on them. The line up is just so long and they just keep coming. Stress running out the window on me and you don't get to sit down on the job. No stool for you or get your breaks when you need them. I am tired and grumpy and just want to go home and sit down and unwind. But when you get home you get a hubby who asked whats for supper. So then you have to start working on supper and miss watching tv shows you wanted to see or just sitting down for a few minutes.. Stress, stress , stress. Well now you know what my life is. Same thing everyday. Come home from work and hubby wantsyou to do more. Then he tells me that he has no sympathy for me when I start complaining about how tired and grumpy and sore I am. I am still suppose to be wonder women in this house and i don't want to be anymore. He has more days off then I do and he doesn't lift a finger to do much of anything except in the summer when he mows the lawn or maybe cleans the gutter. But this year he got someone else to come in and do that as well.
Okay enough of the complaining about my home and work life. Now to start compaining about my body. three days ago it started out with my right leg doing its thing in bed again. Every way I turned I could not get confortable. I ytossed and turned all night. kept hubby awake as well it seemed. The dog even moved down to the other end of the bed. Didn't like me rolling around. The next day at work. My back started to kick in with its aches and pains. I was starting to get pretty stiff. I really just wanted to lay down someplace. Made it through the second eight hour shift though. I hate taking off early cause it leave the rest of the staff in a bind. Now comes the third day. I conked out the night before as I was so tired. In bed at 8:30 and up next day to face the world again. Work went a little better but by the time I got home I just wanted it to all stop. I couldn't walk straight and every place on my body just screamed at me. You know I get home and hubnby says we have to go for groceries. Great. Working in a grocery store and then I have to go back and walk around a grocery store. Well at least we ate at A and W beofre we went to groceries. I didn't have to cook. Then we walked every isle looking at everything. Hubby just walked and walked and walked. Then had to unload all these groceries. Such a fun life. That was my three days of 8 hour shfts. Two days off comeing. Well fat chance of any time off. House cleaning and dog washing laundry. The work calls and want me to do a night shift. Well I was feeling okay so said okay. Stupit thing to do. Should have just stayed home, well at least it wasn't busy in there. I think a hockey game was on so no one was in the store they were all at home for a change. I did feel pretty good. That is until I got into the parking lot then the spasems started again.. I hurt I hurt I hurt. It has to be the store that does allot of this, because i was feeling okay until I hit the parking lot then it all started coming back again. Don't get me wrong i did have the aches and pains before I got there but then they seemed to intensify as I got closer to the store. I think I need a new job.
Anyways last night. I had trouble standing there all night. My back was killing me. When my back gives my trouble then the rest of me just wants to follow. I have a right leg that wants to go out on me. The sharp pain that runs down my leg, it goes from the center of my back and runs down my right leg and now the same is starting to happen to my left leg. Last night the store must have been extra dry. My nose was plugged all night and my eyes were just burning. I couldn't seem to get enough water and when I chewed gum to keep some moisture there the gun just tasted awful. My break I had some strawberries to tie me over and they would not go down. My throat kept trying to stop them from going down. I finally got to eat them. But it was a slow process.
With all this aches and pains you think the Dr would figure out what else is ailing me beside Sjrogrens. She says arthritis. Only what kind. I am starting to figure that maybe it might be a touch of fibramiagia. The pain is not in the same place twice. Seems to move around allot. I can never know where I am going to be struck next. The only constant right now is my back and right hip. Could just be a siotic nerve causing that. But you think that would have been picked up by now.. I am also starting to have cautic bowel stystem . One day it will be pugged up so bad and can't get noting to go through but it feels like I have too and a couple of days later I have to go and soo much comes that I plug up the toilet. Or there is the diariea I have to deal with as well.
It took many years to figure out what was ailing me. I starting to get different infections. And started to catch allot of colds. I had never been sick much in my life and now I am having one problem after another nagging at me. The doc did and arthritis test and finally came up with that. So got me in with a rhuemetoligist. That took 10 months to see here. The first thing she says is I have Sjrogrens. We3ll I figured that out on my own by going on the internet she just confirmed it. But there is more lurking in the backround now that has to figured out. I hope she gets to the bottom of it soon. I want to know what is going on with my body so I can keep going and do the right thing for it. Right now just gets worse and worse every day and I don't know what to do about it. I keep working and doing what exercise I can without hurting my self any worse. I read all the books I can on it and study the internet. Now I am writing on the internet to see if any one else out there in in the same boat as me and would like to share with me to help me out.
I don't know how many people do read these. But any conversation or such would help. I joined the Sjrogrens society but they are across the country. So not much help with them either I guess. Just read there pamplet they send out ever month and see what it has to say. There are support groupr for arthritis I can go to. But they deal more with rhuemtory and osteo and do not know too much about sjrogrens.
So for now will keep moving, Keep going to work and suffer in silence because no one in this house will acknowledge that there is anything wrong with me and still want me to be the wonder women I was.
Be back again next week sometime. You can hear about my aches and pains again.
The first day was okay. You see I work at customer service. have been doing this for 11 years now. Brother what a job. ever complaint that ciomes to the store goes to customer service.. I think it is time for a new job. fat chance of me ever finding something though. When you are sick in some way and over the hill (sortof) people don't want to take a chance on you. So I guess I am stuck were I am. Well right now is not a great time to work there. Christmas and all. Return, return, return, That is what it is all about. Then there are the people wha want to get a price adjustment because every thing has gone on sale. Then on top of that the people who still want to buy their cigarettes and then there are the people who want to bring back their dirty bottle to get their return on them. The line up is just so long and they just keep coming. Stress running out the window on me and you don't get to sit down on the job. No stool for you or get your breaks when you need them. I am tired and grumpy and just want to go home and sit down and unwind. But when you get home you get a hubby who asked whats for supper. So then you have to start working on supper and miss watching tv shows you wanted to see or just sitting down for a few minutes.. Stress, stress , stress. Well now you know what my life is. Same thing everyday. Come home from work and hubby wantsyou to do more. Then he tells me that he has no sympathy for me when I start complaining about how tired and grumpy and sore I am. I am still suppose to be wonder women in this house and i don't want to be anymore. He has more days off then I do and he doesn't lift a finger to do much of anything except in the summer when he mows the lawn or maybe cleans the gutter. But this year he got someone else to come in and do that as well.
Okay enough of the complaining about my home and work life. Now to start compaining about my body. three days ago it started out with my right leg doing its thing in bed again. Every way I turned I could not get confortable. I ytossed and turned all night. kept hubby awake as well it seemed. The dog even moved down to the other end of the bed. Didn't like me rolling around. The next day at work. My back started to kick in with its aches and pains. I was starting to get pretty stiff. I really just wanted to lay down someplace. Made it through the second eight hour shift though. I hate taking off early cause it leave the rest of the staff in a bind. Now comes the third day. I conked out the night before as I was so tired. In bed at 8:30 and up next day to face the world again. Work went a little better but by the time I got home I just wanted it to all stop. I couldn't walk straight and every place on my body just screamed at me. You know I get home and hubnby says we have to go for groceries. Great. Working in a grocery store and then I have to go back and walk around a grocery store. Well at least we ate at A and W beofre we went to groceries. I didn't have to cook. Then we walked every isle looking at everything. Hubby just walked and walked and walked. Then had to unload all these groceries. Such a fun life. That was my three days of 8 hour shfts. Two days off comeing. Well fat chance of any time off. House cleaning and dog washing laundry. The work calls and want me to do a night shift. Well I was feeling okay so said okay. Stupit thing to do. Should have just stayed home, well at least it wasn't busy in there. I think a hockey game was on so no one was in the store they were all at home for a change. I did feel pretty good. That is until I got into the parking lot then the spasems started again.. I hurt I hurt I hurt. It has to be the store that does allot of this, because i was feeling okay until I hit the parking lot then it all started coming back again. Don't get me wrong i did have the aches and pains before I got there but then they seemed to intensify as I got closer to the store. I think I need a new job.
Anyways last night. I had trouble standing there all night. My back was killing me. When my back gives my trouble then the rest of me just wants to follow. I have a right leg that wants to go out on me. The sharp pain that runs down my leg, it goes from the center of my back and runs down my right leg and now the same is starting to happen to my left leg. Last night the store must have been extra dry. My nose was plugged all night and my eyes were just burning. I couldn't seem to get enough water and when I chewed gum to keep some moisture there the gun just tasted awful. My break I had some strawberries to tie me over and they would not go down. My throat kept trying to stop them from going down. I finally got to eat them. But it was a slow process.
With all this aches and pains you think the Dr would figure out what else is ailing me beside Sjrogrens. She says arthritis. Only what kind. I am starting to figure that maybe it might be a touch of fibramiagia. The pain is not in the same place twice. Seems to move around allot. I can never know where I am going to be struck next. The only constant right now is my back and right hip. Could just be a siotic nerve causing that. But you think that would have been picked up by now.. I am also starting to have cautic bowel stystem . One day it will be pugged up so bad and can't get noting to go through but it feels like I have too and a couple of days later I have to go and soo much comes that I plug up the toilet. Or there is the diariea I have to deal with as well.
It took many years to figure out what was ailing me. I starting to get different infections. And started to catch allot of colds. I had never been sick much in my life and now I am having one problem after another nagging at me. The doc did and arthritis test and finally came up with that. So got me in with a rhuemetoligist. That took 10 months to see here. The first thing she says is I have Sjrogrens. We3ll I figured that out on my own by going on the internet she just confirmed it. But there is more lurking in the backround now that has to figured out. I hope she gets to the bottom of it soon. I want to know what is going on with my body so I can keep going and do the right thing for it. Right now just gets worse and worse every day and I don't know what to do about it. I keep working and doing what exercise I can without hurting my self any worse. I read all the books I can on it and study the internet. Now I am writing on the internet to see if any one else out there in in the same boat as me and would like to share with me to help me out.
I don't know how many people do read these. But any conversation or such would help. I joined the Sjrogrens society but they are across the country. So not much help with them either I guess. Just read there pamplet they send out ever month and see what it has to say. There are support groupr for arthritis I can go to. But they deal more with rhuemtory and osteo and do not know too much about sjrogrens.
So for now will keep moving, Keep going to work and suffer in silence because no one in this house will acknowledge that there is anything wrong with me and still want me to be the wonder women I was.
Be back again next week sometime. You can hear about my aches and pains again.
Wednesday, 4 January 2012
Well I am starting a blog on my arthritis
Hi all
Well I just started a blog on my sjrogrens syndrom. I know .. What the heck is that. Well for now I am not acxatley sure myself but we can look at it together.
I am told it is a form of arthritis. The symtoms that start to show up first ar dry eyes, mouth and nasel passages along with other parts of your body starting to dry up too.
Well I have all of those. I was diagnoised last spring when i first went to see my rhumetolgist. I had been going to the doctor for many years with different ailments over and over again and they could not figure out why i kept getting sick. Finnally he did a test for arthritis and came up with that is what I have. Great. So got me into a specialist. That took a year to get into see her. In the meantime things just seemd to get worse for me and then better and then worse again. Aches and pains. Getting harder to swallow and my eyes just seemed to be so dry.
The first time I went to see the specialist I told her about all of the symptoms I seemed to be having. The first thing she came up with was Sjrogrens syndrom. Okay now onto the internet to see what it is. Well you know there isn't that much out there on that. Just basic medical stuff and that it can be a part of another arthritis or it can be the basic desease and then there is other types of arthritis that will go along with it.
Great. what I have to look froward to
Today is not so bad. I have been living with this now for a six months of knowing what it is and how I should start taking care of myself. Well that is one thing to say it and then another to start doing. I am trying to eat right but those sugary candy type things just love to creap into my world. Excercise is another thing. I am told by countless books and on the internet that I should be doing that.. When the aches and pains start setting in who in there right mind would want to start doing that. Well at least I take the dogs for a walk every morning. That is a start I guess.
The new year brought me to say okay I am going to do this. Still haven't started much in the exerci9se area but I am eating a little better. More seafood for me and I have cut down on the sugar. I think anyways. I just love those sugary things though. I keep saying I am going to get back on my treadmill and then do a little on the rowing machine but the couch just looks so inviting. to just sit there and knit and cuddle up with my dogs. Who can beat that. I can say one thing though I have lost a couple of pounds but that is probably because my hubby wasn't home tha tpast couple of days wanting to know were lunch is and were supper is and what is there to eat around here. Or the other thing lets go out and then we can grab a bite while we are at it. He is diabetic by the way and has to eat every couple of hours. So I end up eating and eating and eating. Also cooking and cooking and cooking. Which leads to cleaniong up afterwards and starting tjhe whole process over. Were is there time for me I ask.
Well I have got to try and lake time. Not an easy thing when you have a hubby and family to look after plus I am working as well. It is getting to the point were I hate my life and just want to chuck it all. Start over again and go from there. Ha that ain't going to happen in the near fututre. Life just gets more complicated as I go along. Bill's bills' billls that is my life right now. And my hubby just wants right now to put us into debt for more bills.. Stress level just went up a little more for me.
I guess that is it for today. Hubby is home and will take all my attention when he is up. So wish me luck. Will be back on in a few days to add some more and tell you about my progress on my way to fulfillment here. Well at least to keep living a normal life and be able to look after myself. I am to independant to have some look after me. So the exercise wagon better soon get going here before I am not able to do anything.
Well I just started a blog on my sjrogrens syndrom. I know .. What the heck is that. Well for now I am not acxatley sure myself but we can look at it together.
I am told it is a form of arthritis. The symtoms that start to show up first ar dry eyes, mouth and nasel passages along with other parts of your body starting to dry up too.
Well I have all of those. I was diagnoised last spring when i first went to see my rhumetolgist. I had been going to the doctor for many years with different ailments over and over again and they could not figure out why i kept getting sick. Finnally he did a test for arthritis and came up with that is what I have. Great. So got me into a specialist. That took a year to get into see her. In the meantime things just seemd to get worse for me and then better and then worse again. Aches and pains. Getting harder to swallow and my eyes just seemed to be so dry.
The first time I went to see the specialist I told her about all of the symptoms I seemed to be having. The first thing she came up with was Sjrogrens syndrom. Okay now onto the internet to see what it is. Well you know there isn't that much out there on that. Just basic medical stuff and that it can be a part of another arthritis or it can be the basic desease and then there is other types of arthritis that will go along with it.
Great. what I have to look froward to
Today is not so bad. I have been living with this now for a six months of knowing what it is and how I should start taking care of myself. Well that is one thing to say it and then another to start doing. I am trying to eat right but those sugary candy type things just love to creap into my world. Excercise is another thing. I am told by countless books and on the internet that I should be doing that.. When the aches and pains start setting in who in there right mind would want to start doing that. Well at least I take the dogs for a walk every morning. That is a start I guess.
The new year brought me to say okay I am going to do this. Still haven't started much in the exerci9se area but I am eating a little better. More seafood for me and I have cut down on the sugar. I think anyways. I just love those sugary things though. I keep saying I am going to get back on my treadmill and then do a little on the rowing machine but the couch just looks so inviting. to just sit there and knit and cuddle up with my dogs. Who can beat that. I can say one thing though I have lost a couple of pounds but that is probably because my hubby wasn't home tha tpast couple of days wanting to know were lunch is and were supper is and what is there to eat around here. Or the other thing lets go out and then we can grab a bite while we are at it. He is diabetic by the way and has to eat every couple of hours. So I end up eating and eating and eating. Also cooking and cooking and cooking. Which leads to cleaniong up afterwards and starting tjhe whole process over. Were is there time for me I ask.
Well I have got to try and lake time. Not an easy thing when you have a hubby and family to look after plus I am working as well. It is getting to the point were I hate my life and just want to chuck it all. Start over again and go from there. Ha that ain't going to happen in the near fututre. Life just gets more complicated as I go along. Bill's bills' billls that is my life right now. And my hubby just wants right now to put us into debt for more bills.. Stress level just went up a little more for me.
I guess that is it for today. Hubby is home and will take all my attention when he is up. So wish me luck. Will be back on in a few days to add some more and tell you about my progress on my way to fulfillment here. Well at least to keep living a normal life and be able to look after myself. I am to independant to have some look after me. So the exercise wagon better soon get going here before I am not able to do anything.
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