Think it suits the mood

Think it suits the mood

Sunday 14 October 2012

Oh great the rainy season is back

Well as I sit here on the couch waiting for supper to finish cooking I decide that it is time to write again.

Well what do I write about.

I could complain about the weather. Or maybe I could complain about how sore I am getting. Yeah the weather and the pain. They seem to go hand in hand. Wonderful.

The weather has come in again. Winter time rain, rain, rain. No more nice summer heat were I can move and not feel the pain that goes along with it.

Every year more and more seems to go wrong. Now going up the steps is getting to be a chore. I make a move to go up the steps and my knees say no way to that and I stop before I even try. I just can't make my legs make the move so I stand there and wait until I think it is time to move. Just great.

I am also feeling the fibro take effect for the year too. As I stand at work my back seems to tense up more and more. Then it starts moving down my back and into my legs. I just don't get a break from this at all.

Today my legs were cramping up as well. So to put it all together I am just starting my winter feeling like shit. It is going to be a long winter. Vacation were are you. Nice warm weather and sunshine please come my way.

Well at least I do not have the visit from my frogs yet. Just give it time though. As I start to have trouble sleeping then they will start to hit.

You know maybe if I would make the dogs sleep down at the end of the bed were they should be I could probably sleep a little better. I like their warmth. I am always liking for a warm snout sticking in my face. Or sometimes it is a warm butt sticking in my face. Mind you I love their heat but I just wish they would pick a better place to sleep then right in my face. Sometimes they move down a little. Especially when I start tossing and turning allot. They give me the look and then bugger off a little lower. One ends up laying in the curl of my tummy and the other one is behind my legs. There is a methods to my madness of sleeping with the dogs. I don't have my hubby sleeping close then. I like this madness you know.

The problem is when I have to hit the little girls room in the middle of the night. Two dogs in the way and not to get the look from them you have to scoot yourself out of bed by pulling yourself up out of the covers. Then raising one leg over one dog and the slipping the other leg out from around the other dog. This is a workout all in itself. Bathroom break and then back to bed. Reverse of what I just dod. Lift this leg over the other. Around the dog and slide the other leg around the other dog. Then scoot yourself back into bed. Cover up and hope you don't have to get out again. You don't want to have the look again.

I do love the dogs but they do have their ways that they like to go by.

So now that winter has started I have to start figuring out how I am going to stay the most non sore for the year. Drugs don't seem to do anything for me except make me loopy. Exercise does a little but it also make me sore. I could just chuck it all and lay on the couch all day. But that is just going to stiffen me up to no end. No win situation here. I don't like this one littl bit.

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