Think it suits the mood

Think it suits the mood

Monday 17 September 2012

Well the frogs are back

Just as the weather changes so does my aches and pains. Great I now have to put up with all that goes along with the weather change .

I have spent the last few days feeling light headed. I walk into work feeling okay and then after about an hour of standing I start to feel dizzy. Yeah that's me dizzy blonde. Getting more and more all the time. I think the frogs are starting to show their ugly faces again. You know the ones. They show up and start taunting me with look what we can do to her now.

The other day I was at work and no matter what I did I seemed to run into a cupboard door or drop something. How did that get there? I just seemed so ditzy and could not comprehend what I should be doing. I agree ditzy blonde.

There is a new member of the group of frogs. This one is wrapped around my teeth. I try to speak and all that comes out is garbled none words. Got to waggle my lips and make horse sounds to get the right words out. What the heck is with that? I try to explain something to someone and my mind knows what to say but my mouth just can't get it to spit out. I think I will call him Gobaldy. Yeah that sounds good.

When I get on the intercom at work to make an announcement is really a chore for me. I have to keep to the basics, but there is that awed time when I have to say something and it just won't come out at all to what I really wanted to say. My gosh what am I getting myself into here. Well at least my words come through with my fingers here. So only whoever is reading this will know what I am talking about. Well at least that is what I think anyways.

You know the straight line you are suppose to walk. You know to get from point a to point b. well I kinda take detours to get there. I am heading to the kitchen to get something from the cupboard. Let's see first of all it takes forever to get there. That straight line doesn't seem to straight to me. Then when I get to the kitchen that one cupboard that has been sleeping for so long just jumps right out and bangs into my leg or hip. It is like a frog has it out for me now. Since it has been all summer since I have seem them. He has an elastic that will pull that cupboard out to see me. I have so many bruises on my legs from hitting that cupboard. It is like it just wants to jump out and get me every time. Then by the time I get to the kitchen I dang well forget what the heck I was going into the kitchen for. Ditzy here I come. So back on the long journey to the living room to sit down again just to oh yeah remember what the heck I went into the kitchen for.

I then finally get that all figured out and want to start on getting something out of the cupboard. Well there is another thing. Nothing seemed to be we're it should be. I reach for something and it just doesn't seem to be we're I am reaching for. Or I get my fingers on it and it moves a few inches over and then slips out of my hand, usually falling to the floor. It is a wonder I haven't broken anything yet. Well there will be a day and then I will have to clean up after these frogs.

All right how did that get here? I was just trying to type something here and all these other letters just popped out. I guess I must be hitting the letters but it looks like I am swearing here. Well just got rid of that mess. Were is that frog that just did that to me. Oh there he is scurrying under the couch. I am going to have to get the exterminator in to get rid of these pest.

The only thing is that they are the only company I have here once in while. They sure do keep me on my toes here. Then I fall over because my toes ditzy balance is all off and weighed down with stupid frogs.

I guess that is about it for the frogs today. They have made their point saying here I am again welcome back to la la land. Happy happy I don't think I am going to be but let's see we're it will lead in the next few months. Winter is upon me now and either the fibro or the arthritis is going to be hell this year. I guess it will never come what may and I am the one living it. Whopper!!!!

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