Well I am going into week number two.
You know I feel great right now. Don't know if this is because of the exercise and eating better or if it is because of the trips I am going to be taking soon. Which means away from work and stress and all the other bull cookies that are happening.
Well there will be stress with this trip coming up. I will be sitting for long periods of time while we drive across the tundra of the USA. I just hope that most of the snow is gone by then or it is going to be one hell of a drive. It is two months before we head out on this trip. Have a time share that a friend has loaned us and we have decided that since we have the time to do it. See Mickey mouse and Donald Duck. And maybe marineland and you know dolphins.
So now will be driving for hours on end, mind you seeing allot of scenery will be great but will my body take it to do this. I figured sitting in a plane for many hours might be out of the question for me but then again sitting in a car for many hours may not do much better. Well it is allot better then sitting on a back of a bike for many hours. I did do that last year. Headed to Mount Rushmore and back. My body told me about that trip for many days afterwards. Mind you it was a fun trip but if only my hips and legs would have enjoyed it as much as I did.
Well anyways there is a few trips coming my way this year. One in the spring were we are driving. Then I am going to Sacramento sometime in the summer with some very fun ladies. That is a short trip. Then sometime in the summer may take another short drive someplace to enjoy some time in BC. Then in the spring for my 55 birthday I am trying to get together a trip someplace warm. I am hoping Jamaica. To a sandals resort. well i hope anyways. Use up some of my airmiles I have and get some sun. The warm weather does feel so good.
I guess I have bragged enough about maybe vacations. This is part of my new resolve here. To get out and do things and enjoy myself while I can. Part of the Christmas resolution I had put together. So now part of it is starting to fall into place. To get rid of the chicken shit person I am and be more out there. Well we will see.
Along with me wanting to travel more I also resolved to exercise more and eat better. So far so good. Well I am still eating a little chocolate and drinking the diet pop. Mind you only a nibble once in while or a sip just to have a taste. It is working as long as I don't try taking too much again. I have been eating allot of salads. Yes I like salads as long as it has the stuff I like In it and not those store made ones were you have to pick out half the stuff because I just don't like it. Then there is not much in the way of salad left. Having a little serving of meat with that as well to keep some protein in me.
Wel the exercise is going good as well. I have some accomplishments to say here. I have gotten up to 20 minutes on the rowing machine and 20 minutes on the tread mill. Want to eventually work up to half an hour. That will be down the road a little though. For now what I am doing is great for me. Oh another accomplishment is I made a walk up stave lake road today. It is a steap road not far from our place that is dang hard to walk up. Well guess what I made it up there this morning. Dang proud of myself. It has been eons since I have been able to make it up that road.
Another accomplishment I did is I went to the pool a few days ago. I use to go to the pool all the time and do around 150 laps. That has not been done in years. Well I would go down and piddle in the pool. No not like that. I would move around moving my arms and working my legs but not do any laps. Well I tried the other day. i can do 10 laps. That is something for me. I probably could have done a little more but did not want to overdo it and then be layed up were I wouldn't be able to do anything. But ten laps I felt great. I can still do laps. So will try again tomorrow.
For now I feel great. I feels so good I think I have found the fountain of youth. You know that book. The one that say younger next year. Well I am living it right now
I don't know how long it is going to last, but for now I will take it. I have taken the bull by the horns and I am riding away to a better life. Well at least I hope so.
Wish me luck, cheer me on and hope for the best. I right now don't want to stop. So hopefully nothing gets in the way to stop me from fulfilling this resolve.
Thanks for the cheering section I have going now. You are all across the country but I feel you rooting for me. Thank you everyone.
I was writing on here about how I feel about having sjrogrens, but now have changed it a little and will write about just about anything that happens to come to mind. I know not interesting at all, but hey it will help with my frustration and give me an outlet. So thanks for listening. Or maybe not
Think it suits the mood

Tuesday, 8 January 2013
Wednesday, 2 January 2013
Blew it today.
Well not too bad. Just a little. Hoping the just a little will stay that way.
I was doing so well. Then I sat down on the couch and said maybe . Then it came too need. And then it came to gonna go get it. Well that's what happened. I can't denie it when I need it or I will just start wanting it all the more. Scoffing it down by the truckload.
The it is chocolate. Yeah I had some. Not allot just three little toberone bars that were sitting around here from Christmas. They were the mini ones so would count as one small bar. Then I got myself a diet pop from the bottom of the cupboard. Still drinking on it. But I did put the chocolate away. The bottle right now is sitting here starring at me but you know I really don't want it anymore now that I have had a sip. So works for me.
I did do allot of exercise today. Well in my standard it was allot of exercise in someone else's it would be just a little. That does not give me the right to have this though but I am still keeping up with what I had planned. So today after work was done I took down all the Christmas decorations. That was a job and a half. Took me three hours to do that. Such fun. That was a sweaty job. So I guess I count that as a little exercise. Then I headed out with the dogs. Walked about two miles with them. They are tired and sleeping on the couch now. Me I am just starting to have the aches here. Back is starting to give me a little trouble. My hips are not doing much better. But I am trying to keep myself moving so the exercise is what I will do. You know I do feel better when I do the exercise. Work wasn't so hard to take today either.
Some people think I am doing this for weight lose. Well for me it is more for movement then anything else. Weight lose is a side value if I can do that as well. If not I just want to be fit so I can keep moving. If I don't keep movement in my life I will end up sitting for the rest of my life and not being able to move at all. Hopefully not ending up in a wheel chair. I want quality of life here not being disabled. Well I am disabled but I want to keep going as long as I can. Having as much fun as I can. Enjoying life.
That is what I am hoping to do. Start enjoying life. Getting out doing things. Meeting new people experiencing some new things if my chicken shit conscience will not get to me. The job is not the important thing in my life anymore. My life is. The money ain't bad but i have do what i have to do. That is why I joined the red hat ladies. I am also looking into line dancing if I can find it someplace. I don't think that will be too hard on me and my joints. I like to dance. I liked to sing too but that is now out of the question unless anyone knows of a choir that doesn't mind what you sound like. I can hit the notes most of the time but other times I sound like a frog crawled up my throat.
So if once in while I get side tracked and get into a rut of doing the wrong things again. Just as long as it is not all the time. I will go back and read these blogs and hope that it will inspire me again to get back on track. Any one out there encouragement is great too. I than those who support me now. Keep it up it does feel great.
I was doing so well. Then I sat down on the couch and said maybe . Then it came too need. And then it came to gonna go get it. Well that's what happened. I can't denie it when I need it or I will just start wanting it all the more. Scoffing it down by the truckload.
The it is chocolate. Yeah I had some. Not allot just three little toberone bars that were sitting around here from Christmas. They were the mini ones so would count as one small bar. Then I got myself a diet pop from the bottom of the cupboard. Still drinking on it. But I did put the chocolate away. The bottle right now is sitting here starring at me but you know I really don't want it anymore now that I have had a sip. So works for me.
I did do allot of exercise today. Well in my standard it was allot of exercise in someone else's it would be just a little. That does not give me the right to have this though but I am still keeping up with what I had planned. So today after work was done I took down all the Christmas decorations. That was a job and a half. Took me three hours to do that. Such fun. That was a sweaty job. So I guess I count that as a little exercise. Then I headed out with the dogs. Walked about two miles with them. They are tired and sleeping on the couch now. Me I am just starting to have the aches here. Back is starting to give me a little trouble. My hips are not doing much better. But I am trying to keep myself moving so the exercise is what I will do. You know I do feel better when I do the exercise. Work wasn't so hard to take today either.
Some people think I am doing this for weight lose. Well for me it is more for movement then anything else. Weight lose is a side value if I can do that as well. If not I just want to be fit so I can keep moving. If I don't keep movement in my life I will end up sitting for the rest of my life and not being able to move at all. Hopefully not ending up in a wheel chair. I want quality of life here not being disabled. Well I am disabled but I want to keep going as long as I can. Having as much fun as I can. Enjoying life.
That is what I am hoping to do. Start enjoying life. Getting out doing things. Meeting new people experiencing some new things if my chicken shit conscience will not get to me. The job is not the important thing in my life anymore. My life is. The money ain't bad but i have do what i have to do. That is why I joined the red hat ladies. I am also looking into line dancing if I can find it someplace. I don't think that will be too hard on me and my joints. I like to dance. I liked to sing too but that is now out of the question unless anyone knows of a choir that doesn't mind what you sound like. I can hit the notes most of the time but other times I sound like a frog crawled up my throat.
So if once in while I get side tracked and get into a rut of doing the wrong things again. Just as long as it is not all the time. I will go back and read these blogs and hope that it will inspire me again to get back on track. Any one out there encouragement is great too. I than those who support me now. Keep it up it does feel great.
Tuesday, 1 January 2013
Well one week in.
I have made it past one week. On my way with my Christmas resolutions. Well at least I am trying.
As of this day the first of January I have not eaten any chocolate. You know how chocolate is sitting in this house and yes I did not eat any of it. Depresses me. I really would like eat it all up. You know I just have one little piece, but then that leads to another which will lead to another and another. Then I will just be eating the whole box again. Going to the store and scoffing down a big chocolate bar. I don't mean one of those little dollar brands I mean the big honkin four dollar brands. The one with the peanuts or other nuts in them. Them I am hooked again. No good food on my plate. Just grab a big bar go home and eat it and the don't eat supper. Real great. Well I am proud to say it has been one week with out. Hopefully it will turn into two and then three and you know maybe a long time. Well lets hope so anyways. Just have to keep up my resolve and not listen to my hubby say. Well have just one. It ain't gonna hurt. Yeah it does. I start eating it again.
As of today I have also been with out diet pop as well. My hubby asked my why don't you want one. I say I am trying to be good. He just laughs and wonders why. Then he goes to the cupboard and gets one to flaunt in front of me and says you sure you don't want just a little taste. Lovely. Trying to break my resolve. Well I got past it.
The third thing is I have been doing a little more exercise this past week. My women cave is set up and the tv works down there. I can watch my mindless shows as my hubby calls them and then while away a hour or so and row and then get on the treadmill. Then do a little weight lifting. Only light weights right now but want to work myself back up to where I was a few years ago before I got sick. This may take a while but I plan on doing it. I am women here me roar! Ha lets see about that.
Oh today I also made a trip out to the dyke with the dogs. The walk takes me along the Fraser river. Beautiful walk on a sunny day. Still a bit chilly but it was a nice walk. The dogs got to run loose for a while until the fog burnt off. Then all of a sudden there was allot more people there and they had to be put back on leashes. I guess the New Years hangovers were done with and people started coming out to enjoy the sun as well. It doesn't get much sun around here during winter so we take it when we can. Rain, rain rain is all we really see allot of.
Well I haven't given up on the junk food yet. I don't know if I ever will but I have for now cutdown a little. I still get asked let's go get something to eat. Then guess were we head. To a burger joint. Mind you I love my salads. I mix lettuce, carrots, cabbage, cheese, bacon bits and spread shrimp on the top. A little dressing and I have a great meal. I know it sounds weird but I do love my salads. My man can not live on rabbit food though. He loves his meat. Which I am not too fond of. Like to have a little but allot no way. I like fish as well. When we head into maple ridge I like to go to Austin fish and chips. If they wouldn't batter too much it is great fish. Except for the deep frying part. I usually have cole slaw with it instead of the fries. Well at least I am trying. A new resolve has to be meant as well. Burger King is coming to mission.. Yeah we have two McDonald's, three Tim hortons, two subways and a slew of other restaraunts. What is mission a place to just hang out and eat. I know everyone just thinks food. Gotta have food. My mind doesn't think like that thought. I like a little but I don't want to be eating all the time like other people in this family. I know he has to keep his sugars in order but does he have to eat such honkin big meals. A little bit at a time would probably do him better and keep his sugars better regulated. Well he has his ideas and I have mine and I am gonna keep up with what I think is best for me and the hell with him.
That said and done. I think I am doing pretty good. How long it will last is up to me and only me. I have my vices and I am trying to kick them in the but. It will just takes little longer with some then others. I do love my junk food and have to work on that a little more. Work comes in there too and it lessens my resolve as well. There are some days when I feel like shit when my fibro starts to acted up or the arthritis starts to pain me. Or I just feel run down. Those days will really get me down and my resolve will to be to go straight to the cupboard and choke down something that ain't good for me.
Now I just have to get out in the world and start getting to know more people. I have joined up with a one of group and see where that will lead. I need to get out there or I will end up a like those old women at home with their dogs when I retire. M dogs won't even want to be with me. Depressing thought. What else can I do to to get me out and meeting people? I have already joined the red hat ladies and I hope this will get me out a bit. I use to sing in some choirs but now with the problems with my throat I probably can not hold a tune anymore. Maybe dancing group. But how much could I do before I start to hurt too much. I like dancing though. Lets see what I can find in that area. I can't sit around here and stare at my hubby all day. That will drive me bonkers. While he is staring back at me and watching these stupid discovery shows on tv day in and day out.
Well here we go into week two. Lets see what that will bring to my plate. Holidays are over now and it is back to reality. I am women hear me roar. I am roaring as loud as I can now to keep up with what I have started. Stand behind me everyone and I will win at this. Well at least I hope. More courage for the cowardly line here.
As of this day the first of January I have not eaten any chocolate. You know how chocolate is sitting in this house and yes I did not eat any of it. Depresses me. I really would like eat it all up. You know I just have one little piece, but then that leads to another which will lead to another and another. Then I will just be eating the whole box again. Going to the store and scoffing down a big chocolate bar. I don't mean one of those little dollar brands I mean the big honkin four dollar brands. The one with the peanuts or other nuts in them. Them I am hooked again. No good food on my plate. Just grab a big bar go home and eat it and the don't eat supper. Real great. Well I am proud to say it has been one week with out. Hopefully it will turn into two and then three and you know maybe a long time. Well lets hope so anyways. Just have to keep up my resolve and not listen to my hubby say. Well have just one. It ain't gonna hurt. Yeah it does. I start eating it again.
As of today I have also been with out diet pop as well. My hubby asked my why don't you want one. I say I am trying to be good. He just laughs and wonders why. Then he goes to the cupboard and gets one to flaunt in front of me and says you sure you don't want just a little taste. Lovely. Trying to break my resolve. Well I got past it.
The third thing is I have been doing a little more exercise this past week. My women cave is set up and the tv works down there. I can watch my mindless shows as my hubby calls them and then while away a hour or so and row and then get on the treadmill. Then do a little weight lifting. Only light weights right now but want to work myself back up to where I was a few years ago before I got sick. This may take a while but I plan on doing it. I am women here me roar! Ha lets see about that.
Oh today I also made a trip out to the dyke with the dogs. The walk takes me along the Fraser river. Beautiful walk on a sunny day. Still a bit chilly but it was a nice walk. The dogs got to run loose for a while until the fog burnt off. Then all of a sudden there was allot more people there and they had to be put back on leashes. I guess the New Years hangovers were done with and people started coming out to enjoy the sun as well. It doesn't get much sun around here during winter so we take it when we can. Rain, rain rain is all we really see allot of.
Well I haven't given up on the junk food yet. I don't know if I ever will but I have for now cutdown a little. I still get asked let's go get something to eat. Then guess were we head. To a burger joint. Mind you I love my salads. I mix lettuce, carrots, cabbage, cheese, bacon bits and spread shrimp on the top. A little dressing and I have a great meal. I know it sounds weird but I do love my salads. My man can not live on rabbit food though. He loves his meat. Which I am not too fond of. Like to have a little but allot no way. I like fish as well. When we head into maple ridge I like to go to Austin fish and chips. If they wouldn't batter too much it is great fish. Except for the deep frying part. I usually have cole slaw with it instead of the fries. Well at least I am trying. A new resolve has to be meant as well. Burger King is coming to mission.. Yeah we have two McDonald's, three Tim hortons, two subways and a slew of other restaraunts. What is mission a place to just hang out and eat. I know everyone just thinks food. Gotta have food. My mind doesn't think like that thought. I like a little but I don't want to be eating all the time like other people in this family. I know he has to keep his sugars in order but does he have to eat such honkin big meals. A little bit at a time would probably do him better and keep his sugars better regulated. Well he has his ideas and I have mine and I am gonna keep up with what I think is best for me and the hell with him.
That said and done. I think I am doing pretty good. How long it will last is up to me and only me. I have my vices and I am trying to kick them in the but. It will just takes little longer with some then others. I do love my junk food and have to work on that a little more. Work comes in there too and it lessens my resolve as well. There are some days when I feel like shit when my fibro starts to acted up or the arthritis starts to pain me. Or I just feel run down. Those days will really get me down and my resolve will to be to go straight to the cupboard and choke down something that ain't good for me.
Now I just have to get out in the world and start getting to know more people. I have joined up with a one of group and see where that will lead. I need to get out there or I will end up a like those old women at home with their dogs when I retire. M dogs won't even want to be with me. Depressing thought. What else can I do to to get me out and meeting people? I have already joined the red hat ladies and I hope this will get me out a bit. I use to sing in some choirs but now with the problems with my throat I probably can not hold a tune anymore. Maybe dancing group. But how much could I do before I start to hurt too much. I like dancing though. Lets see what I can find in that area. I can't sit around here and stare at my hubby all day. That will drive me bonkers. While he is staring back at me and watching these stupid discovery shows on tv day in and day out.
Well here we go into week two. Lets see what that will bring to my plate. Holidays are over now and it is back to reality. I am women hear me roar. I am roaring as loud as I can now to keep up with what I have started. Stand behind me everyone and I will win at this. Well at least I hope. More courage for the cowardly line here.
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