Okay I had this all done in my head then now that I am sitting down at the computer it is all gone. Another frog has come to visit. So now what do I have to say.
Well I am feeling a little better as of right now. The frogs have gone on a vacation but I know they will soon be back. You know they sneak up on you and you start doing the strangest things you thought possible. You run into things or maybe you get awfully forgetful or just plane act stupid for no reason at all. well I do that all the time anyways. I have explained in a previous blogg if you are looking for something else to read.
My body is telling me it is time to gain weight again... But why. I liked the weight I was at. would have like to loose some more but it seem not to be in the cards. This past two months have brought ten pounds back to my waistline. What is with that. Now I have to figure out what has changed and start back fresh again. I exercise every day. I eat right which I haven't changed any of except maybe cutting out on diet pop. I haven't had as much as what I was drinking. This is probably one of the reasons I am feeling a little better. The aspertaim is going out of my system. Well I am hoping that is why i am feeling better. There are days were I would just love to stay in bed with the covers over my head but that isn't in the cards either. Too much to do around this place and it mostly all has to be done by me.. Yep wine, wine , wine thats me Get the cheese ready to go with it because this is going to be one big wine feast.
Work the other day. That was just a day from hell. I had to work an eight hour shift and to top it all off the debit machines go down.. Hum not just in our store but all the stores on the system. Most of the mall was out. And it had to happen on a Saturday. One day when allot of people want to do their shopping. Customers were not too happy. Me working in customer service got an earfull from allot of people. this being a grocery store as well. made it a doubly hard day for things. Customers decided to leave their groceries at ends of counters big buggies full. Stuff they couldn't afford to buy because they only had ten dollars in their wallets. So the place was turning into a mess. To top it all off the customers cleaned out the bank machine at the front of the store as well. No money there to be had anymore either.
So someone had to go around collect up all of these graceries and put them away. Well I was one of them. I filled buggy after buggy and put them away. That was allot of exercise for me. running around, bending over picking up graceries off the floor and under tills and putting them in a buggy. Taking them to the front and then putting them in bins at the front in their proper place to be put away. I haven't moved that much in a while. Yeah I felt it afterwards. My arms and back were just burning. Sleep that nigfht wasn't much better. and the next day at work I could feel every place that a joint and muscle hurt. Some times I just couldn't reaaly want to move.
well I am almost back to normal today. I can still feel the stiffness in my back. And my hip when I want to sleep is just the pitts. Hopefully this will subside here in a couple of days. Not a fun few days I will say.
I will let you in on a little known fact that I just didn't take to heart. You better look after your teeth while you are able to. Once you get this syndrom there is no turning back. I had great teeth. I haven't had a cavity since I was a kid and you know never brushing my teeth you get cavities. Then I had two wisdoms pulled and that was it for me. I brushed regularly and took care to see that that never happened again.. Well I spent 20 years with no problems after that. Now all of a sudden I am back to the dentist and well here comes three root cannals and a bunch of fillings to be done. This is going to cost me a fortune. My teeth are going rotten as I speak. here is another what is up with that.!!! well at least I get to sleep throuhg the process. It is all because of having no saliva in my mouth anymore. So there is no way to fight off the decay and bacteria. Lovely!!! I got a new tooth paste that has more umpff in it. Hopefully it will help out a bit. My sleep tiome is next week so will let you know how that goes after I am done with it. Can you say sore mouth all around. I am not happy with this at all.
as i said before am feelong a little better. I am not on any pain pills anymore. I read in a book that if you take magnesium it will help with the joints and muscle. And since I have oseto arthritis and Fribamialgia on top of that. I decided to give it a try. You know for now it seems to be working. I haven't had any pain pills in a couple of weeks. My stamia is a little better and the frogs have gone away. Well they do come back on occasion, but only for short visits. I do feel sore once in while but it is only a few twinges here and there.. My trouble right now is trying to get a good night sleep. I wake up more times then not and getting to stay in bed first thing in the morning would be lovely as well. But not going to happen anytime soon. I just can't sleep anymore. So up I get. Tired and sleepy and get on with my day. At least I can say i have gotten rid of some of the cemicals in my body and am working with natural stuff instead.
I have made an accomplishnet today. We have a hill that is fairly steep just over two raods from were I live. Well I walked up it today without stopping. When I was well I use to walk up it every day for exercise. well I was not able to do it anymore without having to stop part way up and couple of times. Today I did it all in one stride. No stopping. so proud of myself. So now I will have to keep it up and do it a couple times a week. With all the aches and pains and stiffness I couldn't do that anymore. Now I can do it. for hopw long I don't know but I know I can do it when i am feeling at a peak. Good going Brenda keep up the good work. There is also a set of steps down the way a bit. I guess it is time to tackle them again. I can do them but have to stop half way up. So now that I am feeliing up to it I should try the whole flight again. There is 70 steps to this flight to get up to other level of road. So now tomorrow morning I will try them with out stopping. Just hope I am not overdoing it while I am up to it. Don't want to be flat on my back again suffering in pain. Well I wil see what tomorrow brings.
Anyway. I better stop here and get on with the rest of my day. Work lovely work is calling.
I was writing on here about how I feel about having sjrogrens, but now have changed it a little and will write about just about anything that happens to come to mind. I know not interesting at all, but hey it will help with my frustration and give me an outlet. So thanks for listening. Or maybe not
Think it suits the mood

Monday, 25 June 2012
Thursday, 14 June 2012
well another day another pile of (well you know)
Well I started a blog number three today. gee what else have I got to do with my time. Should be cleaning house, Maybe working in the garage to finish some projects. Maybe should be getting enough sleep. I was up awful early this morning. 5 oclock to be exact. What the heck is with that.
You know I am actually feeling a little better right now. Stange but true. I can move around without the moans and groans that usually accompany me. Unless I think about what is going to be happening in the future.
They say now my stomach has turned to mush. I have an ulcer and have to have it treated. I shouldn't eat this I shouldn't eat that. What fun is that. I love chocolate and I really like to have a diet pop once in while. Thay say it it not good for your tummy.
Okay so now they have me on a no win situation. I have to take the pain killers in order to stop the pain. But now I can't take the pain killer because it is eating away at the inside of my stomach. I cal this a no win situation.
The other thing is in the next two weeks I have to go and have three root canals done. Ouchie. This is because there is no moisture in my mouth in order to keep the bateria down. Great.I am really looking forward to that. Sarcasm really intended there. You know all my life I have never had problems with my teeth and now I am coming up with all sorts of problems. Well thats a little lie there. When I was a kid never brushed my teeth and always had to get cavities filled. Then I learned and did the brushing. Didn't stop me from having my wisdom taken away though. Yeah l lost all four of them. But other then that no real problems for 20 years and then this. My whole mouth is going down the drain. Literally.
Well that would include the rest of my body as well. Doc told me the other day that I have Fribromyagia. Yeah something else to add to the list. Lets see Start with Sjogrens syndrom. Then ad in osteo arthritis. then she comes up with rynards and dry mouth syndrom. Tintinitus I have for year. I am having trouble in the pooh area now and figure it is probably irratable bowel syndrom and then there is a little gout thrown in and now I have an ulcer. Yeah Isn't life just great.
well I did my whining for the day and will sign off for now. Have been on compyuter most of the morning so time to find something else to do
You know I am actually feeling a little better right now. Stange but true. I can move around without the moans and groans that usually accompany me. Unless I think about what is going to be happening in the future.
They say now my stomach has turned to mush. I have an ulcer and have to have it treated. I shouldn't eat this I shouldn't eat that. What fun is that. I love chocolate and I really like to have a diet pop once in while. Thay say it it not good for your tummy.
Okay so now they have me on a no win situation. I have to take the pain killers in order to stop the pain. But now I can't take the pain killer because it is eating away at the inside of my stomach. I cal this a no win situation.
The other thing is in the next two weeks I have to go and have three root canals done. Ouchie. This is because there is no moisture in my mouth in order to keep the bateria down. Great.I am really looking forward to that. Sarcasm really intended there. You know all my life I have never had problems with my teeth and now I am coming up with all sorts of problems. Well thats a little lie there. When I was a kid never brushed my teeth and always had to get cavities filled. Then I learned and did the brushing. Didn't stop me from having my wisdom taken away though. Yeah l lost all four of them. But other then that no real problems for 20 years and then this. My whole mouth is going down the drain. Literally.
Well that would include the rest of my body as well. Doc told me the other day that I have Fribromyagia. Yeah something else to add to the list. Lets see Start with Sjogrens syndrom. Then ad in osteo arthritis. then she comes up with rynards and dry mouth syndrom. Tintinitus I have for year. I am having trouble in the pooh area now and figure it is probably irratable bowel syndrom and then there is a little gout thrown in and now I have an ulcer. Yeah Isn't life just great.
well I did my whining for the day and will sign off for now. Have been on compyuter most of the morning so time to find something else to do
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