Well I am trying another thing here to make me a little more upbeat. Yeah I just said that above.
I was thinking of a bucket list. Well what do we think of this. I am not gonna give myself a time based bucket list, but a list that I will hope get most of the stuff on done before I become too bad in order to do it. Well first of all I hope I don't get too bad at all, but that I am afraid is not gonna go over that well. I figure. If I keep up with the resolutions I have put in the last blog that I can stave it off as long as I can. Now with the bucket list I will look forward to the things I would love to be able to do. Make sense. Well I hope so because it is some way I think I can keep myself motivated. Motivation is not my strong suit.
Well where do I start now.
I am thinking a little bit of travel is in order. So places I would love to go.
So far I have been to the Bahamas. This was my 50th birthday present to myself. Since I wasn't gonna get anything from anyone in this family so decided I was gonna work on that for my birthday.
I did a real adventure and made it to Panama. I wasn't sure about that trip but it was an adventure for me who doesn't like to go off the beaten path. The place we stayed was great and the beach was right there to enjoy.
Second of all I made it this past summer to see Mount Rushmore. A monument I did want to see. Road down on the Harley as a biker chick. Enjoyed that trip as well. But my butt and legs had other stories to tell about that trip.
Other places I have been and would like to go back to is Las Vegas and Florida.
Well Florida will be on the agenda this spring. We are going down there as a drive. We will be taking a week and driving to Florida and then spending a week in a time share a friend has offered to let us use. Then spending a week driving home. Three weeks of holidays spent driving and then enjoying a week checking out Disney and marineland and maybe a drive down the keys. Or a check out of the glads to see alligators. Well I am not too interested in that but I would love to find dolphins some were around the area. Hope the driving just isn't too much for me. Well will have to see. Plane rides are another story for me and sitting very long.
Okay places I want to see before I end up not being able to.
Jamaica, Alaska, Australia, Hawaii yes defiantly Hawaii, and Scotland /England. To see the east coast again would be nice as well. Oh yeah a drive down the coast to California.
So now in this travel I want to take a couple of cruises. Yeah that would be nice. See some of the world from the balcony on a ship. Maybe a trip through the Panama Canal. I am thinking that. Cruise would be easy on my body. Have a place to go back to when you need to. Take in the sights at ports and enjoy the days just cruising away. This just sounds lovely.
Another cruise would be to Alaska. I was thinking last year that we would go up on the bike, but that fizzled out and we headed to the states instead. Hubby thought it would be getting a little cool for riding bike in end of August. So maybe this year we may head that way. It will be in the car or maybe we will rent a motor home to go. Will see what is on the agenda at the time. Maybe maybe not. Who knows.
Seeing sights around the states would be nice. Would like to see allot of the Grand Canyon.
Well that is travel I want to do.
Now things I would love to be able to do.
One thing is fly. I know sounds kinda silly. But this kind of flying I would like to do. You go to a wind tunnel, put on a suit and take off flying in this tunnel. I think that would be great. I have always thought flying would be great. When I was a kid I dreamed allot of being able to fly like a bird above the tree tops. Well this won't be above the tree tops, but will be up and down in a tunnel. How about flying over the falls of some kind on a zip line. I would scream my guts out but I think it would be fun. Also another way to fly is in an ultralight plane.. I almost did one once before but chickened out at last minute. Maybe I will do it yet. I don't want to jump out of a plane or anything like that. Or jump off a cliff and do a dive or float to the earth on a parachute or a kite. That I don't think is for me. But soaring above and not falling to the ground is something I did think about many times. Just have to get over being a chickenshit and give it a try.
Also again I would like to be able to swim with dolphins again. The last time was allot of fun and would love to be able to do it again.
So now thinking of being in the water I would love to be able to go down in a two person sub and seeing the sea life. I went down once in a motorized type of scooter. That was not something I think I would like to do again. It was too confining. A bubble over your head and I couldn't get the thing to move right. I also had trouble with my ears going down and couldn't do as much as anyone else.
A walk near a volcano and see the bubbling of the lava. That would be in Hawaii. I have a big interest in seeing Hawaii. Can you tell. Should I think about the fact I would like to body surf as well. Here is something else for Hawaii. Ha plus dolphins. Can you tell I like dolphins ALLOT.
I would love to be able to sing in a choir again. But I know that will never be in the cards. My voice has gone to scrap with this dry mouth and throat.. But to be able to sing again and raise my voice to the heavens again. That would make me smile soo big.
Gosh I haven't got much else in the way of ambition here do I.
Just getting this mortgage paid off and living a good long life as pain free as I can. Enjoying what time I have.
Well some bucket list I have. Travel to a few places, fly and swim with the dolphins.
I am not an ambitious person I guess. My interest lay in the fact that I like to do crafts of woodworking and knitting and scrap booking. Searching out family tree info.
If I was real ambitious I would like to walk the Great Wall of china, but that would be me going to china and I don't see myself doing that. Or let's see. How about going up the Eiffel Tower. But France is not someplace I was thinking of going, but I do think of going to Australia. What is with that. I would think of Germany as that is we're my ancestor come from but there is not a big ambition for it. I would like Scotland and England though. I'm not sure why I would not go but I feel it in my bones that it would not be a place I would go. Mexico might be a place like maybe cancun or maybe the grand cayman island. This all has to do with me seeing dolphins again. Yeah I know. I do have a liking for them.
I am just a home body. Not too ambitious and not much in the way of dreams. A little travel and a little crafty stuff. Being a home body most of the time. Enjoying my family and my pets. A little music. Get out once in while with friends and having as many laughs as I can. And all together just keeping myself going.
Okay bucket list are to be for when you are dieing but it for me is for getting to things before I can't anymore. Well I know where I stand. Can I do some of these things or am I just filling up a bucket of unfinished dreams? We will see.
I was writing on here about how I feel about having sjrogrens, but now have changed it a little and will write about just about anything that happens to come to mind. I know not interesting at all, but hey it will help with my frustration and give me an outlet. So thanks for listening. Or maybe not
Think it suits the mood

Sunday, 23 December 2012
Thursday, 20 December 2012
Giving it my best shot
I know this is not the whining and complaining I usually do. But hey I think it is allot better. If you want a giggle go back through this bog and find the one about exercise or the one about my brain frogs.
I made a couple of Christmas resolutions. Well you know everyone makes New Years resolutions but I figured I will make a couple of Christmas resolutions. Maybe I can keep them a little better.
first one is I am going to be more confident in everything I do.
Second I am going to come up with something positive to say for my self every morning. Or at least every few mornings. As you can see on my face book and twitter I am starting to come up with a new quote every now and then to upbeat my mood. In some ways I think it is helping. It takes my mind off of other things like the pain I wake up with and the crankiness I put up with. From myself and others in the house or work.
Thirdly I am going to get myself out of the house more often doing things. That was started this past summer when I joined up with the red hats. Another blog I have been doing that you may have read from me.
This does not mean I am going to be going to work more. This is just bringing me down now. To much tension in that place. It just does bring me down more. Standing all day and listening to customers that just want to complain about something going wrong is just not getting to be my thing any more. Customer service is for the birds. Especially after working it for over ten years. I need something else in my life but at this age who would want to hire me. Well only a few years to retire if I can keep it up.
Well to bring my mood up I did make it out to a concert last night. Kenny Hess had a Christmas concert last night. Lots of gospel type Christmas music that brought me to tears a couple of times. He sure does know how to belt out the songs with feeling. Well that was a night for me to remember for awhile. I just loved it. Wanted to sing right along with him. Only problem with that is my voice is so scratchy now it sure would not sound right . I use to have such a great voice and now it is just scratchy. Dang dry throat and mouth. Oh oh getting down again. This is suppose to be a positive thing for me. Well I hope to find more things like that to keep me going.
Fourthly there is exercise. Yeah right. That one may be a little tougher. Everytime I start a program of some kind it will fizzle out after a while. Need to do this though or I am just going to seaze up and not be able to move at all. What good is that going to do me. So dogs get ready for more walking. When it is not raining that is. Then it will only be one time in morning. I also have my women cave started down stairs. It has my craft room but also has the rowing machine down there and the tread mill. Enough room to do it there along with a set of weights that have dust on them and a few other exercise stuff that has not been used in a while. Well it is time to dust them off and get start on that.
Well there is a fifth one that is if budget will let me do. Is to travel a little more before it gets too tough to do it. I did a trip here this past year that I enjoyed very much. Problem is it did cause me trouble afterwards for awhile. We did a bike trip last summer. Made it over to Mount Rushmore before we turned around to come back. That was a blast except my but and legs told me different by the time we got home. You have probably read about it on my otherblog. This spring we are taking another road trip. This one will be in the car as the snow will still be on the ground some places. Heading all the way across the states and ending up in Florida. We have a time share there for a week given to us from a friend to use. So are driving there and then spending a week near Disney and then driving home. Three weeks with two in a car and one week enjoying the sights. Well that will be fun. At least I hope. See as the time gets closer. It will be up on my other blog old harley broad and other vacations. So vacations I hope will be allot so I can see allot of country. Depending on the budget that is though. In the past few years I have made it to panama and the Bahamas. I would love to take a cruise and see a little of the world around me before I am not able to anymore.
There is a sixth thing. And that is just to be myself and not worry about what other people think of me and not being able to do as much as I use to. It is tough right now when the family still expects me to do the things I could do before. Then at work were they always expect more and more out of you. Well I just keep trucking and do what I can do when I can do it and to hell with everyone else. Sounds good.
The seventh thing is to keep up with my crafty stuff. I now have a room I can fill up with it and a place to do it without having to put it away every time. I love doing these things and as long as my hands will let me do I am going to keep up with it. Getting rid of the stuff is another thing. I have done the craft fairs but never seem to sell much. Oh this also has a blog going of morning song creations if you would like to read up on what goes on there. Face book has a page of morning song creations as well if you would like see what i make. Well I have just advertised my four blogs that you can read if you want.
These are seven things I hope to keep up with this year. Christmas resolutions I hope to keep. I know I never keep my New Years resolutions so maybe if I make them early I will do a little better. I have been starting some of them already in this past year.
So everyone out there. Have yourself a great holiday season.
I want to be moving for as long as I can and not be sitting on the couch just watching the tv all day. I just have to get the adventure in. This is my life. So I am starting now. Wish me luck on this new quest. Love ya all for reading my blogs and supporting me here and on Facebook and twitter. I know not much of a following but I do have a little. Have a great holiday season and keep safe. Love ya much. Talk to you again next year. See you on the flip side. Bye for 2012.
I made a couple of Christmas resolutions. Well you know everyone makes New Years resolutions but I figured I will make a couple of Christmas resolutions. Maybe I can keep them a little better.
first one is I am going to be more confident in everything I do.
Second I am going to come up with something positive to say for my self every morning. Or at least every few mornings. As you can see on my face book and twitter I am starting to come up with a new quote every now and then to upbeat my mood. In some ways I think it is helping. It takes my mind off of other things like the pain I wake up with and the crankiness I put up with. From myself and others in the house or work.
Thirdly I am going to get myself out of the house more often doing things. That was started this past summer when I joined up with the red hats. Another blog I have been doing that you may have read from me.
This does not mean I am going to be going to work more. This is just bringing me down now. To much tension in that place. It just does bring me down more. Standing all day and listening to customers that just want to complain about something going wrong is just not getting to be my thing any more. Customer service is for the birds. Especially after working it for over ten years. I need something else in my life but at this age who would want to hire me. Well only a few years to retire if I can keep it up.
Well to bring my mood up I did make it out to a concert last night. Kenny Hess had a Christmas concert last night. Lots of gospel type Christmas music that brought me to tears a couple of times. He sure does know how to belt out the songs with feeling. Well that was a night for me to remember for awhile. I just loved it. Wanted to sing right along with him. Only problem with that is my voice is so scratchy now it sure would not sound right . I use to have such a great voice and now it is just scratchy. Dang dry throat and mouth. Oh oh getting down again. This is suppose to be a positive thing for me. Well I hope to find more things like that to keep me going.
Fourthly there is exercise. Yeah right. That one may be a little tougher. Everytime I start a program of some kind it will fizzle out after a while. Need to do this though or I am just going to seaze up and not be able to move at all. What good is that going to do me. So dogs get ready for more walking. When it is not raining that is. Then it will only be one time in morning. I also have my women cave started down stairs. It has my craft room but also has the rowing machine down there and the tread mill. Enough room to do it there along with a set of weights that have dust on them and a few other exercise stuff that has not been used in a while. Well it is time to dust them off and get start on that.
Well there is a fifth one that is if budget will let me do. Is to travel a little more before it gets too tough to do it. I did a trip here this past year that I enjoyed very much. Problem is it did cause me trouble afterwards for awhile. We did a bike trip last summer. Made it over to Mount Rushmore before we turned around to come back. That was a blast except my but and legs told me different by the time we got home. You have probably read about it on my otherblog. This spring we are taking another road trip. This one will be in the car as the snow will still be on the ground some places. Heading all the way across the states and ending up in Florida. We have a time share there for a week given to us from a friend to use. So are driving there and then spending a week near Disney and then driving home. Three weeks with two in a car and one week enjoying the sights. Well that will be fun. At least I hope. See as the time gets closer. It will be up on my other blog old harley broad and other vacations. So vacations I hope will be allot so I can see allot of country. Depending on the budget that is though. In the past few years I have made it to panama and the Bahamas. I would love to take a cruise and see a little of the world around me before I am not able to anymore.
There is a sixth thing. And that is just to be myself and not worry about what other people think of me and not being able to do as much as I use to. It is tough right now when the family still expects me to do the things I could do before. Then at work were they always expect more and more out of you. Well I just keep trucking and do what I can do when I can do it and to hell with everyone else. Sounds good.
The seventh thing is to keep up with my crafty stuff. I now have a room I can fill up with it and a place to do it without having to put it away every time. I love doing these things and as long as my hands will let me do I am going to keep up with it. Getting rid of the stuff is another thing. I have done the craft fairs but never seem to sell much. Oh this also has a blog going of morning song creations if you would like to read up on what goes on there. Face book has a page of morning song creations as well if you would like see what i make. Well I have just advertised my four blogs that you can read if you want.
These are seven things I hope to keep up with this year. Christmas resolutions I hope to keep. I know I never keep my New Years resolutions so maybe if I make them early I will do a little better. I have been starting some of them already in this past year.
So everyone out there. Have yourself a great holiday season.
I want to be moving for as long as I can and not be sitting on the couch just watching the tv all day. I just have to get the adventure in. This is my life. So I am starting now. Wish me luck on this new quest. Love ya all for reading my blogs and supporting me here and on Facebook and twitter. I know not much of a following but I do have a little. Have a great holiday season and keep safe. Love ya much. Talk to you again next year. See you on the flip side. Bye for 2012.
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