Think it suits the mood

Think it suits the mood

Friday, 4 May 2012

I should be working on things But just don't have the Heart to do it lately

Yeah I am feeling down again.  I have tried to think about The funny things,
but they just don't seem to want to come at this time.

I was to a meeting the other day ( a support group) and all the ladies and
 one gent talked  about the downs and out of Arthritis.  Then one lady got up
 and said I live my life and arthriis is just along for my ride.

I think that is well said. So I started thinking  I am going to live my own life.
To HELL WITH THE ARTHRITIS!!!  I hurt some days and it takes away
from me in some ways but in others it gives me more insight into what I
should be doing.  I still don't know what i should be doing But I am trying to
figure that out.  My hubby and I have different ideas on the subject.  He
says just keep doing what you are doing.  The problem is if I keep doing
what i am doing i just hurt all the more and then am layed up for a few days.

So I started to pace myself and keep doing what i am doing but do it at a
slower pace and take some time over days to get it done seems to work
allot better for me.  Only problem is By the time I get that task done
I have to start all over again and start it all over.  I never get anytime to really

I should be down in the garage working on some woodworking project that
I know I have to finish here sometime or rather.  So I can try to sell it at some
farmers market sale.  Then there is the house work I should be doing around the house.
Not getting done either.  Well I did get the kitchen cleaned the other day
just to get told that I missed a spot or two on the counter..  The laundry got done. 
Hurray for that. Then it is back to work for another week were nothing will get 
done around the house.  This is non winning battle here and have no help at all.

If I do get a day were I putter in the garage.  Hubby wants to go do something
else.  he has asked me the past two days if I have stained his board yet. 
so he can get it put in a window and support the air conditioner..  I don't have
time to go down to the garage and do my own thing and he expects me to go down
to the garage and get his board stained up.  You know he could do it himself but
I don't think he ever will. unless he gets sick and tired of the idea that i am never
'going to get around to it because I am just so lazy that he has to break
down and do it himself.

I guess the biggest thing is I am a little run down right now.  I just got back from Ontario
were I attened a funeral for my borther in  law.  He was only 48.  Makes a few
 things come into prospective here. and is also depressing me right now.  You
ain't going to live forever.  so why even try sometimes.  That keeps going
 through my brain right now.

 I am also experincing some setbacks of my own..  I am having trouble either
with my teeth or in my glands in my neck.  I am having swelling that is causing
my teeth to just hurt so dang bad sometimes and others not to bad.
 I just got my third bladder infesction in the past eight months.  So am
 feeling kinda out of it with being on atibiotics and such.

In two weeks time I have to go to the dentist and make sure it is not my teeth
that are causing some of the discomfort.  Iknow they will have to be pulled
as i have now cavities around the gum line and I also have a couple of
 broken teeth.  One sideline of haveing Sjrogrens.  The dry mouth factor.
So teeth being pulled out and dentures in their place.  Lovely.  That is going
to be a process and an expence as well.  i don't look forward to this at all.

It will also take away from me being at work as much.  I don't get paid
when I don't work.  There is another set back.  No money can't pay
the bills. Yeah!  So more behind I will get,.  Brother.!!

Okay so I have been down enough.

Oh by the way.  You like my new picture at the top.  It is the way
I feel that I look sometimes.  That will be the two of us on the beach when
we head on our next holiday.  Cute couple hey?